Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New jobs...

I'm enjoying my new job...only slightly though. Food is much better than retail. At least at family owned restaurants where everyone is respectful is it.

Plus I have an excuse to dress up. And I usually hate dressing up. But that way I get good tips.

I've been so tired lately. The whole weekend consisted of doing stupid things that I probably shouldn't have done, including dressed up for the Beyonce concert, drive 4+ hours to see Dave Matthews Band perform (even though I couldn't actually see anything...), and staying downtown till 3 in the morning. I really could have avoided all of those things because the only fun thing was being able to say "I AM...SASHA FIERCE" along with Beyonce.

But Coldplay is this Saturday, which should be really fun. And I'm not driving the 4+ hours to see them so I'm good. Now I should really go work out.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ignorant Ignorant Ignorant

An opinion is an opinion. Not everyone has the same tastes in books. If you were presented "A Million Little Pieces" as a work of fiction, you would either love it or hate it depending on your taste. But the fact that you found out he "lied" about it, makes you hate it no matter what. A good book is a good book to some, and a bad book is a bad book.

If any of you have read "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien, then you know that his book was also a "memoir", or set to be told as one. In the book itself, he says "Story truth is sometimes more true than real truth."

That quote applies here. When you tell a friend a funny story, you want to exaggerate thing to make them laugh the way you laughed when you first heard it. You don't want to be the joke teller that's know for the punch line "it was a you had to be there kind of thing..." because you wanted them to feel like they WERE there when you were telling it.

It's the same with AMLP. He wanted to convey the feelings. The emotions that were going through him. Sometimes the only way to do that is to exaggerate. I know he achieved his goal because sometimes I had to put the book down because I had to vomit myself. I was feeling so sad I cried at some points, and at times I had to put the book down for a day because it was too much to handle.

Whether it was real or not, it touched people, and it make people think while reading it. You may not like his writing style of line after simple line. But that's the point. That's the way a person thinks. Line after simple line. It makes you feel more connected with the writing while reading it.

In the end, a book is a book. You like it, or you hate it. For me, I love his style of writing. It's something I love to read and picture in my mind. The feelings come right through the pages for me and I feel as though I know what the characters are feeling and it makes it hard to put the book down. I enjoy all of his work, including his newest "Bright Shiny Morning" which is his first work of "real" fiction. I read that book straight through it was so good. At the end I bawled. I tried to tell myself "It's just a book. It isn't real." But I couldn't because throughout the entire book I had felt like I had gone through all the events WITH the characters. I felt as though they were real people. Even though the characters were cliche, they weren't the point. The feelings they had in their minds were the point. He captures the true essence of writing, of telling a story. Trying to make you understand and feel what the character is feeling.

Now that I've got that off my chest.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Remember the trip to New York?

Well...It's happening.

In a month.

Halloween to be exact. Leaving on the 31st. Just me and my friends. The most amazing 3 days ever.

Except, what do you do in New York in a time span of 3 days?

Monday, September 8, 2008

I would love it if...

Creepy guys at work didn't stalk me.

It would make things A LOT easier at work for me.

Retail sucks. Anyways, this Friday, we've all decided to take the train to Buff Joes.

Grimy food is incredible. I can't wait.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School rolls around...

And I start to use this piece of crap again. I don't know why I do it, but oh well.

This year has already got me stressing. Reading over 50 pages a night in "American Reader" which is a composition of essays and famous quotes said by inspirational people is really not what I would like to do on a Saturday night after work. Really. And I don't want to write a response essay to each quote/essay. Really.

I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. Day by day.

By the way, work sucks.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Ian just ordered me some glasses on the Kanye site. They say "KanYe" on them and "Stronger".

I have never been more excited for anything in my entire life.

weezy f bb

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life is a highwayyyyy.

So Friday was the concert. Which was incredible!

Rooney was amazing. And meeting them was an amazing experience. They hilarious and really sweet! And amazingly talented.

Now I'm just waiting for April to see Chris Koon, Push Play, and Phil Bensen. That's going to be incredibleeee.

Anyways, I was talking to my mom about our next vacation [after Russia in June], and I think we've decided on Belize. 3 weeks in Belize? Yikes! But I'm excited. Should be a blast!
Other than having an insane amount of school work, and getting ready for Russia, everything is great right now. :]