Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Remember the trip to New York?

Well...It's happening.

In a month.

Halloween to be exact. Leaving on the 31st. Just me and my friends. The most amazing 3 days ever.

Except, what do you do in New York in a time span of 3 days?

Monday, September 8, 2008

I would love it if...

Creepy guys at work didn't stalk me.

It would make things A LOT easier at work for me.

Retail sucks. Anyways, this Friday, we've all decided to take the train to Buff Joes.

Grimy food is incredible. I can't wait.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School rolls around...

And I start to use this piece of crap again. I don't know why I do it, but oh well.

This year has already got me stressing. Reading over 50 pages a night in "American Reader" which is a composition of essays and famous quotes said by inspirational people is really not what I would like to do on a Saturday night after work. Really. And I don't want to write a response essay to each quote/essay. Really.

I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. Day by day.

By the way, work sucks.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Ian just ordered me some glasses on the Kanye site. They say "KanYe" on them and "Stronger".

I have never been more excited for anything in my entire life.

weezy f bb

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life is a highwayyyyy.

So Friday was the concert. Which was incredible!

Rooney was amazing. And meeting them was an amazing experience. They hilarious and really sweet! And amazingly talented.

Now I'm just waiting for April to see Chris Koon, Push Play, and Phil Bensen. That's going to be incredibleeee.

Anyways, I was talking to my mom about our next vacation [after Russia in June], and I think we've decided on Belize. 3 weeks in Belize? Yikes! But I'm excited. Should be a blast!
Other than having an insane amount of school work, and getting ready for Russia, everything is great right now. :]

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So I haven't updated in almost a month. Pretty intense.

Life has been hectic. With school and all.
There's not much to say. Because there is no way I'm going into detail about the last month.

Oh well. Concert's this Friday. Lacrosse next week. almost 4 hours a day.


Monday, January 28, 2008


Sleep Song.


3 years and counting.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Oh man.
Intense week.
Finals are over.

And I only had two, so it was all good.
Next week we're taking the kids to the children's museum. You know that section where there is a fake grocery store? Yeah, that's where I'll spend my time. I always loved pressing buttons, so I loved pretending to be the cashier. And I can't wait to go back there and press those buttons again!

So anyways, today I went to Target with Moomoo and Mich and we chipped in and bought Raven some iPod speakers for her birthday. And tomorrow we're going to the hotel to give it to her. That should be fun.

Yesterday I played rock band at courtney's again. Like always

And me and Jesse chilled. Like always.

Have you ever felt like your life was in the right place?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Queen Elizabeth

is freakin' rad.

I had to write like a three page monologue from her point of view.
About going to a tea party with Socrates and Pu Yi.
That would be one awesome tea party.

So anyways, we taught the kids about polar babies today. And had them make a penguin, and yesterday we had them play simon says. That was too cute.

Some music would be so much better without lyrics.

Oh, and go listen to some Beirut while you're online.

Monday, January 14, 2008

What the heck am I supposed to take?

I was supposed to take AP Environmental Science.
No. Can't take that.
The teacher sucks.

Then Criminalistics.
But that's supposed to be the hardest course.

I figured out finals are next week.

I've been listening to Her Space Holiday to calm me down with my stressful week.

What do Queen Elizabeth and Pu Yi have in common?
They're both hardcore.

I also happened to make this earlier.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Finals are next week.
no wait.
two weeks. I think.
Is it bad that I don't know when finals are? Yeah. Probably. Whatevsssss.

So my week has consisted of studying, studying, more studying, quick trips to baja fresh, and studying.
School has really taken a toll on me. Too stressful.

But this weekend has been fun. Yesterday we celebrated Katie's birthday and went to Highwood for some dinner. Some nice mexican food. Then we hung out and watched movies, and made brownies. That was nice.

And today, you know what I did? Pretend like you care.
Rockband. At courtney's house. Once again. Only this time, Jesse played, and we switched off between guitar, bass, and drums, and we rocked. It was pretty sweet. Yeah. We also went to see One Missed Call. Lame. Incredibly lame. And on the way home,a party was busted next door to courtney's, and we found three young boys hiding in our bushes, who reeked of alchohol. They begged us to drive them away from the party, so that they wouldn't get into trouble. Instead, I told them they were idiots for making stupid decisions, and walked them through the woods to the nursing home, where they got a nice and safe ride home. I'm great, aren't I.

February is going to be a crazy month for me. I've gotta chaparone the Philanthropy club house painting. That's gonna be fun. 60 middle schoolers, me, katie, and witczak all stuck at my second home. Camp. We're going to paint houses to raise money for charity. How fun.
Then after that, we got the mall of america tour for camp heartland. Neil invited us to help host, and Jonathan Bennett will be there [the guys who plays Aaron in Mean Girls], so you should all come and see. Its the 12 hour dance off. Whoever stays dancing the longest, wins. It's such an awesome cause. If you didn't know what Camp Heartland was, or who Neil was, I'll let you know. Camp Heartland is a camp for people who have aids, or who have family members who have aids. Neil start this camp when he was 22. Nicest guy ever. He was voted one of People Magazine's most eligible bachelors, but is no longer available. Camp Heartland has stations in New York, California, and Minnesota. It's so awesome. If you watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, they were on that. It's awesome.

So yeah, I'll get you more info on that later.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Rock Band

If I spend one more day playing this game. Honestly. That and Halo 3. Which I am TERRIBLE at. But it's alright. I've improved. Along with the game Portals on The Orange Box. Great fun. Really.

So anyways. Taylor's birthday was nice. We had breakfast for dinner, and our waiter was terrible, but it's alright. I kept my cool. But dude. Greatest hash browns ever. Ever.

We watched the simpsons movie along with what a girl wants. What a great way to end the evening. Not. I ended up passing out at about 3 in the morning, only to wake up at 4, and be the most uncomfortable person ever. Whatever. It was cool.

And then today I just hung out at Courtney's. Again. Adam ended up coming over for a bit. And we played some more video games. It's all good.

Tomorrow I have a ton of work to do before my days start piling up.

Hope everyone had a safe and fun break!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Sucks. I hate winter. Today was pretty lame. But cool all the same. Me and courtney and emma headed over to chipotle and had some tacos and chips and then we surprised michaela at her place, and then Elliott and Eric came and picked us up, and we went all around town, like Mcdonalds, and highland park starbucks, and the lake [yes, the lake at 10 pm where it was freakin FREEZING]. Then we headed back to Elliott's and watched Old School.


Tomorrow is Taylor's birthday so we're going out to dinner. That should be fun.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


The past couple of days have been pretty chill. I've just been going to courtney's place, and been playing rock band and halo 3. niceeee. New Years was lots of fun. Went over to Maureen's, and there ended up being tons of people there. But it was all good. We had popcorn and danced all night. Akwardly. Haha. It's all gooood. We all ended up on her floor and couch[s] watching Elf at 2 in the morning. I came home the next day, and slept all day. Lame. Oh well. I woke up at 2:30 today. That's how tired I was. I should start going to bed earlier. It might do me some good. I got a new phone today. It's nice. And I saw Juno with Leslie and Katie. That was a nice movie. Funny. Lovely. Then I went over to Courtney's [again], and we played Halo 3 with Schmitty. Nice day.

Tomorrow I'm probably heading over to P.F. Changs with Emma and Courtney. I need chinese food in my system. It's been, what, like 3 days? hahaha

Happy New Year.